To Members
At present there are a number of events nationwide which are being canceled or voluntarily postponed in order to prevent the further spread and number of infections of the new Coronavirus.
Furthermore, on February 27th, the government of Japan decided to recommend the suspension of elementary and junior high schools nationwide. Then on March 1, the suspension of sports gym was also recommended.
In response to these circumstances, we have decided to temporarily close our academy for the following periods: –
Temporary closure schedule
From Tuesday, March 3, 2020 to Friday, March 13, 2020
National experts have theorized that the spread of infection throughout Japan from this point is likely to occur rapidly within the next 10 days.
Experts have further stated that the main purpose of this national suspension of activities is to “control the speed of infection spread and prevent the collapse of the healthcare system”.
In observing this period of activity suspension it is hoped that further spread of the Coronavirus is delayed, allowing those truly in need of medical assistance the opportunity to receive that assistance appropriately and in a timely manner.
We will hold opening days on the regular closed days instead of the temporary closure schedule.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.